What makes us Kate & Company
We are a family inspired, owned and operated small business. I am Mandy, owner and full-time operator of Kate & Company. I am the finance manager, sales rep, designer, website creator, social media director, CEO, you name it I try to make it work… just doing my very best to carry out this little dream.
Zach is my husband, he’s our behind the scenes guy who does all of the heavy lifting, display building, and just makes sure things happen the way I want them to.
Lexie is our oldest, and although she’s full-time adulting now, as a new realtor, she continues to be present in store helping with displays and our website.
Kylee is our middle, she does behind the scenes work and is our website/social media model (along with a few of her besties). Her spirit keeps us laughing. A lot!
Zoe Kate is our youngest. SHE is the heart and soul AND namesake of Kate & Company. Our sweet Zoe lives with Jesus now, she left this Earth when she was 7 years old, and naming our store in her memory has helped us share her story with so many people. Did you also know that
Zoe Kate is also the artist of our ‘Joy’ logo?? Many of you have noticed the ‘Joy’ on our signs and t-shirts. This Joy was painted by our Zoe Kate and it happens to be one of the very last things she ever wrote. God knew we would need Joy, and we have tried to make it our mission to find and spread joy in our journey.
We want to thank every single one of you that have supported our little business. We are truly blessed.

Our Zoe Kate
Kate & Company is named after our Zoe Kate Powers. Zoe is the youngest of our 3 daughters and she went to live with Jesus when she was 7 years old. Zoe touched and changed more lives in her short 7 years than most of us will be able to in an entire long lifetime. Our main goal with Kate & Company is to spread the love of Christ and help others to find JOY in their journey.
Psalm 59:16